Welcome to the fastest growing coffee company in Australia. We've unlocked the secrets your coffee roaster doesn't want you to know!

See our new shipping rates for all orders 1-4kg
New Shipping rates hereDear business builder,
Imagine what it be like to double your profits in the next few months...while spending the same (or even less) time in your cafe?
Your bottom line would skyrocket...you'd be able to increase your bonus...you'd feel secure that your business was on a sound footing...you wouldn't have to lose sleep worrying about your next sale anymore...you'd finally be able to 'switch off' and actually enjoy the fruits of your hard work.
So ask yourself...are you sick and tired of spending all your time working in the business and not on the business? Are you fed up with having your team offering more excuses than results?
Then stop the stress and frustration of trying to guess where your next sale is coming from and put our proven, battle tested strategies and coffees to work.
We've spent years perfecting the perfect coffee blends that work in every coffee niche.
Since releasing our industry proven coffee blends to market they have generated over $15M in coffee profits for our clients. (and we haven't even had our first birthday)
Take note, that isn't $15M dollars worth of coffee sales, that's profits...and not in just one specific niche. We've deployed these coffees into 100s of unique businesses just like yours. Using our coffee blends and strategies to help hundreds of businesses shift gears into full throttle and crush their competition into fine powder.
Many of them have seen sales and profits more than double without spending a single cent on marketing.
No other company would dare share the true cost of coffee and our up close and personal industry insights, as they'd have to fire all their staff and quickly go out of business. They are preying on your ignorance and quite simply don't have the size and scale we do to put you in the driver's seat. In fact go ahead and ask them to justify the price of a kilo of coffee and watch them squirm.
Book some time with our lead strategist and gain insights into how you can reach your business goals within 90-days.
This is not for everyone, if you're not ready to work, if you're not ready to invest financially, if you're not ready to be honest with yourself, if you're not ready to set goals that will explode your business. THEN KINDLY LEAVE THIS WEBSITE
BOOK NOWMost coffee companies have it wrong! They focus on branding your store, but that's their dream not yours. We are a an ROI and performance driven company helps you turn 15 cents into $4 consistently 100s of times a day! Thats a 2500% return. Double what our competitors are offering.
Find your miracle beanCOFFEE INTO PROFIT

Bakery owner, 50kg per week OLD SCHOOL - "I thought I really needed my coffee company to supply and look after my equipment, by taking those costs out of the coffee I was able to buy the machine of my dreams and own it in less than a year. I'm still banking the difference. Looking after it is easy, Brown Bag put me in touch with a great supplier who arranged finance plus a local tech and it all takes care of it self! Best business decision I ever made!"

Home user, First time customer, SAMPLE PACK - “finally purchased my DREAM expresso machine for home. My new obsession: COFFEE BEANS!!! I have googled and googled and searched through pages upon pages of different Website selling beans. The price of the coffee is either far too high, or they kill you with postage! I ordered a sample pack of coffee from Brown Bag Coffee and am so glad I did. My postman bought the parcel to my door and told me “it must be coffee! Smells amazing”. Beautiful, fresh, solid coffee. No more google searching as I have found the best!”

John, Cafe owner, 20kg per week, CROWD PLEASER - "I switched from my previous beans, my biggest concern was that my customers would notice the change. They didn't! and now I'm saving $18,000 per year and coffee is more consistent than ever! Thanks Guys, I'm never going back!"
Using our savings calculator you can conveniently compare how quickly you can stack the cash by switching today! You're welcome!
why choose brown bag coffee?
At brown bag coffee we understand that business is a jungle and only the strongest survive. We'll do whatever it takes to help you crush the competition in to fine powder. That's why we're not about brand, were about you and your brand! It doesn't matter how many people visit your cafe if you don't turn them into loyal returning customers and cold hard cash in the bank. You're just throwing away all your hard earned money. We are dedicated to your growth, we've worked with the best and we know what it takes for you to be the best. We help you understand what it is that your customer actually wants. Then we provide you the raw product to build the most powerful coffee program that'll have hungry customers flocking to your business with their wallet out. But that's not all we'll also make sure that you set up systems that allows your cafe to dominate while you sleep. You will spend less time working in the business and focus working on the business. In other words, less guessing, less worrying and more time enjoying life and time with your family.